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Ting Meng

Date of issue:2020-12-31 Number of visits: information sources:全球食物经济与政策研究院


Assistant Professor 

Dept. of Agricultural Economics China Agricultural University

Beijing, China


Environmental Economics and Policy; Agricultural Economics; Applied Econometrics


12/2017-present  Dept.  of Agricultural Economics, China Agricultural UniversityAssistant Professor.

09/2015-08/2017 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Postdoctoral Associate in Envi- ronmental Economics and Policy. Superviser: Professor David Hsu.

08/2014-08/2015 University of Pennsylvania (Penn), Postdoctoral Fellow in Energy Economics and Policy. Superviser: Professor David Hsu.

02/2014-05/2014 University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences (BOKU), Austria, Marshall Plan Research Fellow.


08/2014 University of Georgia, Ph.D. in Agricultural and Applied Economics. (won Graduate School Dissertation Completion Award).

              - Committee: Professors Wojciech J. Florkowski (chair), Michael E. Wetzstein, J. Scott Shonkwiler

12/2013 University of Georgia, M. S. in Statistics (honors).


2019-20 SP          Resource and Environmental Economics (master). Instructor, China Agricul- tural University

2018-20 FALL    Academic Training (undergraduate). Instructor, China Agricultural University 2018-20 FALL Intermediate Macroeconomics (master). Instructor, China Agricultural University 

2018-21 SP         Political Economics (undergraduate). Instructor, China Agricultural University



Fan, S., Cho, E. E., Meng, T., Rue, C. (2021). How to Prevent and Cope with Coincidence of Risks to the Global Food System. Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 46.

Han, Q., Liu Q., Meng, T. (2021) Can the subsidy of weak link of agricultural production trusteeship improve farmers’ willingness to trust in the whole process—— With agricultural diseases and insect pests Prevention and control subsidies as an example. Journal of Huazhong Agricultural University(Social Science Edition) (forthcoming, in Chinese) .

Zhang, T., Hou, Y., Meng, T., Ma, Y., Tan, M., Zhang, F., Oenema, O. (2021) Replacing Synthetic Fertilizer by Manure Requires Adjusted Technology and Incentives: A Farm Survey across China. Resources, Conservation & Recycling. 168, 105301. (SCI)

Meng, T., Carew, R., Florkowski, W.J. (2020) Determinants of the grant lag and the surrender lag of horticultural crop plant breeders’ rights applications: survival analysis with competing risks. Cand J Agr Econ, 68, 489-512. (SSCI)

Hsu, D., Lim, T. C., Meng, T. (2020). Rocky Steps towards Adaptive Management and Adaptive Governance in Implementing Green Infrastructure at Urban Scale in Philadelphia. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 55, 126791. (SSCI)

Xu, T., Meng, T., Mu, Y. (2020). Comparative Advantages of Maize Production and its Determining Factors across Major Maize Producing Regions: Empirical Analyses based on the Panel data of 20 Major Producing Regions during the year 2008-2017. Journal of China Agricultural University, 25(06):102-111. (in Chinese)

Meng, T., Hsu, D. (2019). Stated preferences for smart green infrastructure in stormwater manage- ment. Landscape and Urban Planning 178: 1-10. (SSCI)

Yang, M., Zhao, X., & Meng, T.. (2019). What Are the Driving Factors of Pesticide Overuse in Vegetable Production? Evidence from Chinese Farmers. China Agricultural Economic Review. DOI:10.1108/CAER-08-2018-0170 (SCI/SSCI)

Klepacka, A. M., Florkowski, W. J., & Meng, T.. (2019). Clean, accessible, and cost-saving: Reasons for rural household investment in solar panels in Poland. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 139: 338-350. DOI: 10.1016/j.resconrec.2018.09.004 (SCI)

Meng, T., Florkowski, W. J., Sarpong, D. B., Chinnan, M. S., & Resurreccion, A.V. A. (2018). Alimental Food Consumption among Urban Households: An Empirical Study of Ghana. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 2018: 1-24. DOI: 10.1017/aae.2017.30.

Hsu. D., Meng, T., Han, A., & Suh, D. (2018). Planning Policies in the Life Cycle of Buildings to Reduce Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Journal of Planning Education and Research, 0739456X17739674, DOI: 10.1177/0739456X17739674(SSCI)

Meng, T., Florkowski, W. J., Klepacka, A. M., Sarpong, D., Resurreccion, A.V. A., Chinnan, M., & Ekielski, A. (2018) Preferences for Groundnut Products among Urban residents in Ghana.Journal of Science of Food and Agriculture 98(2):817-824. DOI: 10.1002/jsfa.8532. (SCI)

Carew, R., Florkowski, W.J., & Meng, T. (2017). Segmenting wine markets with diverse price functions: Evidence from California red and white wines sold in British Columbia. Wine Economics and Policy 6(1):48-59. DOI:

Carew, R., Meng, T., Florkowski, W.J., & Blair, D. (2017). Climate Change Impacts on Hard Red Spring Wheat Yield and Production Risk: Evidence from Manitoba, Canada. Canadian Journal of Plant Sciences. DOI: 10.1139/CJPS-2017-0135. (SCI)

Carew, R., Florkowski, W.J., & Meng, T. (2017). Intellectual Property Rights and Plant Variety Protection of Horticultural Crops: Evidence from Canada Canadian Journal of Plant Science 97:1-18. DOI: (SCI)

Meng, T., Hsu, D., & Han, A. (2017). Measuring Energy Savings from Benchmarking Policies in New York City. Energy 133:415-423. (SCI)

Meng, T., Carew, R., Florkowski, W.J., & Klepacka, A. (2016) Modeling Temperature and Precipita- tion Influences on Yield Distributions of Canola and Spring Wheat in Saskatchewan.Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. 56(4):897-913. (SCI)

Meng, T., Hsu, D. & Wadzuk, B. (2016). Green and/or Smart? Perspectives of City and Water Offi- cials in Pennsylvania towards Adopting New Infrastructure Technologies for Stormwater Management. Sustainable Water in the Built Environment 3(2): 05017001.(EI)

Meng, T., Klepacka, A.M., Florkowski, W. J., & Braman, K. (2015). Determinants of Recycling Common Types of Plastic Product Waste in Environmental Horticulture Industry: the Case of Georgia. Waste Management 48: 81-88. (SCI)

Meng, T., Klepacka, A.M., Florkowski, W. J., & Braman, K. (2015). What Drives an Environmental Horticultural Firm to Start Recycling Plastics? Results of a Georgia Survey. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 102: 1-8. (SCI)

Meng, T., Florkowski, W. J., Sarpong, D. B., Chinnan, M. S., & Resurreccion, A.V.A. (2014). Consumer s Food Shopping Choice in Ghana: Supermarket or Traditional Outlets? International Food & Agribusiness Management Review (IFAMR) 17(A): 107-129. (SCI/SSCI)

Meng, T., Florkowski, W. J., Kolavalli, S., & Ibrahim, M. (2013). Coping with the Heteroscedasticity in Applied Research: A Comparison of Three Methods of Food Expenditure Estimation in North- ern Ghana s Rural Households. Annals of The Polish Association of Agricultural and Agribusiness Economists 15(6): 202-209.


Meng, T. (2020) Household Food Consumption and Food Security in Ghana. China Agricultural Press.

Florkowski, W. J., Klepacka, A. M., Madhavan Nambiar, P., Meng, T., Fu, S., Shermenk, G., & Sarpong, D. B. (2014). Consumer Expenditures on Fresh Fruit and Vegetables, In: Postharvest handling - a systems approach, 3rd ed., Elsevier, Chapter 7, 147-166.


Meng, T., Hsu, D., & Wadzuk, B. (2015).Green Stormwater Infrastructure Use and Perception on Related Smart Services: The Case of Pennsylvania. World Environmental & Water Resources Congress 2016: pp. 59-68.

Klepacka, A. M., Florkowski, W. J., & Meng, T. (2014). Changes in Fruit Consumption Preferences in EU Countries: the Example of Poland. XXIX International Horticultural Congress on Horticulture: Sustaining Lives, Livelihoods and Landscapes (IHC2014): XVII 1103: 175-180.

Florkowski, W. J., Meng, T., & Klepacka, A. M. (2013). Consumption of Fruit and Vegetables: Influence of Economic and Socio-demographic Factors in Selected Countries. Acta Horticulturae 1088: 41-45.


Meng, T. & Florkowski, W. J. (2013). The Opportunity and Challenge of American Pecans in China.

Georgia Pecan 25(1): 82-86.

Meng, T. (2010). The Market Structure of the Retail Industry. Consumer Guide (China), 5: 72-73.

Meng, T. (2009). Theoretical Analysis of Coupons. Economic and Trade Update (China), 136:21-23.


Modeling the Cooking Fuel Usage in Urban Households: the Case of Ghana, with Florkowski, W. J., Sarpong, D., Resurreccion, A., & Chinnan, M.

Organic Wine Pricing in the Old and New World, with Carew, R., Florkowski, W. J.


Meng, Fang, and Oenema. Revisiting China’s agricultural green-box subsidy policies to promote the coordinated development of agriculture and ecology post the COVID-19.



Determinants of Water Treatment Practices for Food Safety and Environmental Sanitation among Food Processors. China Agricultural Economics Review and International Food Policy Research Institute (CAER-IFPRI) Annual Meeting, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China, Oct 17-19, 2019 (with Jiang, Q., Florkowski, W.J.)

Farmers as Suppliers of Fish: Household Seafood and Aquaculture Expenditure. Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA) Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, US, July 21-23, 2019 (with Wang, X., Florkowski, W.J., Yang, Z.)

Farmers as Suppliers of Fish: Household Seafood and Aquaculture Expenditure. Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA) Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, US, July 21-23, 2019 (with Wang, X., Florkowski, W.J., Yang, Z.)

Determinants of Adoption towards Sustainable Agricultural Practices: Evidence from Intercropping in the Mountain Area of China. The Chinese Economist Society Annual Meeting, Dalian, Liaoning, June 7-8, 2019 (with Junfei, Bai)

Financial Subsidy, Technology Support and the Adoption of Corn-soybean Rotation: Evidence from the Northeast China. China Agricultural Economics Review and International Food Policy Research Institute (CAER-IFPRI) Annual Meeting, Guangzhou, Guangdong, Nov 8-10, 2018 (with Zhao, Qinran., Si, Wi)

Segmenting California Wines in the British Columbia Wine Market: The Influence of Wine Attributes on Retail Wine Prices. Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA) Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, Jul.3-Aug 2, 2016 (with Carew, R., Florkowski, W.J.)

Modeling Temperature and Precipitation Influences on Yield Distributions of Canola and Spring Wheat in Saskatchewan. Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA) Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, Jul.3-Aug 2, 2016 (with Carew, R., Florkowski, W.J., Klepacka, A.M.)

Perceptions of Agencies towards the Adoption of Smart Infrastructure Services for Stormwater Man- agement. World Environmental & Water Resources Congress. West Palm Beach, FL, May 22-26, 2016 (with Hsu, Y. & Wadzuk, B.)

Determinants of an Environmental Horticulture Firm s Recycle Process in Terms of Type and Quantity: the Case of Georgia. Southern Agricultural Economics Association (SAEA), Atlanta, GA, Jan. 31- Feb. 3, 2015 (with Klepacka, A.M., Florkowski, W. J.(presenter), & Braman, K.)

Modeling Food Retail Format Choice and Shopping Frequency Decision in Urban Ghana: A Multivariate

Ordered Probit Regression Application. Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA) Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, July 27-29, 2014 (with Florkowski, W. J., Sarpong, D. B., Chinnan,

M. S., & Resurreccion, A.V.A.)

What Drives an Environmental Horticulture Firm s Recycle Decision? An Application of a Decision Model. 14th International Scientific Days.Gyongyos, Hungary, Mar. 27-28, 2014 (Best Presenter Award) (with Klepacka, A.M., Florkowski, W. J., & Braman, K. )

Expenditure on Fresh Vegetables, Fresh Fruits, and Peanut Products in Urban Ghana: Does Location Matter? Southern Agricultural Economics Association (SAEA), Dallas, TX, Feb. 1-4, 2014 (with Florkowski, W. J., Sarpong, D. B., Chinnan, M. S., & Resurreccion, A.V.A.)

Processed Peanut Products and Consumer Profiles: the case of Ghana Urban Households. 8th CIGR International Technical Symposium. Advanced Food Processing and Quality Management, Guangzhou, China, Nov. 3-7, 2013 (with Florkowski, W. J., Sarpong, D. B., Chinnan, M. S., & Resurreccion, A.V.A.)

Consumer's Food Shopping Choice in Ghana: Supermarket or Traditional Outlets? Selected Presenta- tion. 138th European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE) seminar, Ghent, Belgium, Sept. 11-13, 2013 (with Florkowski, W. J., Sarpong, D. B., Chinnan, M. S., & Resurreccion, A.V.A.)

Coping with the Heteroscedasticity in Applied Research: A Comparison of Three Methods of Food Expenditure Estimation in Northern Ghana s Rural Households. 20th Congress of the Polish Association of Agricultural and Agribusiness Economists, Rzeszow, Poland, Sept. 4-6, 2013 (with Florkowski, W. J., Kolavalli, S., & Ibrahim, M.)

Consumer's Food Shopping Choice in Ghana: Supermarket or Traditional Outlets? Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA) and CAES Joint Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., Aug.4-6, 2013 (with Florkowski, W. J., Sarpong, D. B., Chinnan, M. S., & Resurreccion, A.V.A.)

The Determinants of Food Expenditures in the Urban Household of Ghana: A Quantile Regression Approach. Southern Agricultural Economics Association (SAEA), Orlando, FL, Feb. 2-5, 2013 (with Florkowski, W. J., Sarpong, D. B., Chinnan, M. S., & Resurreccion, A.V.A.)

Food Expenditures and Income in Rural Households in the Northern Region of Ghana. Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA), Seattle, WA, Aug. 12-14, 2012 (with Florkowski, W. J., Kolavalli, S., & Ibrahim, M.)

Food Expenditures in Rural Households in the Northern Region of Ghana. Southern Agricultural Economics Association (SAEA), Birmingham, AL, Feb. 4-7, 2012 (with Florkowski, W. J., Kolavalli, S., & Ibrahim, M.)


Green Stormwater Infrastructure Use and Perception on Related Smart Services. MIT Water Night, Cambridge, MA, Mar. 11, 2016 (with Hsu, Y. & Wadzuk, B.)

Green Stormwater Infrastructure Use and Perception on Related Smart Services. Postdocs Share Their Science (MIT), Cambridge, MA, Mar. 2, 2016 (with Hsu, Y. & Wadzuk, B.)

Modeling the Cooking Fuel Usage in Urban Households: the Case of Ghana. European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE) Congress, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Aug. 26-29, 2014 (with Florkowski, W. J., Sarpong, D. B., Chinnan, M. S., & Resurreccion, A.V.A.)

Do Supermarkets Promote Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Consumption in Urban Ghana? An Application of Non-parametric Analysis. Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA) Annual Meeting,

Minneapolis, MN, July 27-29, 2014 (with Florkowski, W. J., Sarpong, D. B., Chinnan, M. S., & Resurreccion, A.V.A.)

Determinants of Peanut Paste Eating Frequency in Urban Ghana: Does Household Members Prefer- ence Matter? AAEA/CAES/EAAE Joint Symposium, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. May 29-30, 2014 (with Florkowski, W. J., Sarpong, D. B., Chinnan, M. S., & Resurreccion, A.V.A.)

What Drives an Environmental Horticulture Firm s Recycle Decision? An Application of a Decision Model. UGA Sustainability Science Symposium & Workshop, Athens, GA, Feb. 28, 2014 (with Klepacka, A.M., Florkowski, W. J., & Braman, K.)

Model County Level Poverty Rate in Georgia Using Spatial Analysis Method. Southern Agricultural Economics Association (SAEA), Dallas, TX, U. S., Feb. 1-4, 2014. (with Seymour, L.) Determinants of Fresh Vegetable, Fresh Fruit and Peanut Products Expenditure in Urban Households

in Ghana. 7th Annual Scientific Research Day of the University of Georgia. Athens, GA, Aug. 14, 2013

(Honorable Mention Award) (with Florkowski, W. J., Sarpong, D. B., Chinnan, M. S., & Resurreccion, A.V.A.)

Differences in Consumption of Domestic vs. Exotic Fruit in Countries Located in Different Climate Zones. The International Symposium on Agri-Foods for Health and Wealth (AFHW), Bangkok, Thailand, Aug.5-8, 2013 (with Florkowski, W. J.)

Determinants of Fresh Vegetable, Fresh Fruit and Peanut Products Expenditure in Urban Households in Ghana. Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA) and CAES Joint Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., Aug. 4-6, 2013 (with Florkowski, W. J., Sarpong, D. B., Chinnan, M. S., & Resurreccion, A.V.A.)

Peanut Products Expenditure and Its Retail Outlets Choice in the Urban Households of Ghana. Agricul- tural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA) and CAES Joint Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., Aug. 4-6, 2013 (with Florkowski, W. J., Sarpong, D. B., Chinnan, M. S., & Resurreccion, A.V.A.)

Peanut Products Expenditure and Its Retail Outlets Choice in the Urban Households of Ghana. Global Educational Forum on Obesity, Food Security, and Nutrition in Global Context, Athens, GA, Apr. 2, 2013 (with Florkowski, W. J., Sarpong, D. B., Chinnan, M. S., & Resurreccion, A.V.A.)

Food Expenditures in Rural Households in the Northern Region of Ghanah.Selected Presentation. Grad- uate Students Association Interdisciplinary Conference. Athens, GA, Mar. 23, 2012 (with Florkowski,

W. J., Kolavalli, S., & Ibrahim, M.)


Green Stormwater Infrastructure Use and Perceptions on Related Smart Services: the Case of Pennsylvania. Global Sustainable Working Group, MIT. Nov. 18, 2015, Cambridge, MA.

Survey Design: Stormwater Utilities’ Perception on Smart Green Infrastructure Services. Graduate School of Education, Penn. Apr. 21, 2015, Philadellphia, PA.

Food Consumption in Developing Countries: the Case of Ghana. Karoly Robert College. Apr. 23, 2014, Gyongyos, Hungary.

Food Consumption in Developing Countries: the Case of Ghana. Dept. of Economics and Social Science, BOKU. Mar. 25, 2014, Vienna, Austria.


2019-2022 Young Scientist Star. China Agricultural University

2012-2014 Travel Grant $450/year. Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA).

2014 Best Presenter Award. 14th International Scientific Days. Karoly Robert College, Hungary.

2014 Graduate School Travel Fund $450. Graduate School, UGA.

2014 Marshall Scholarship Award e6000. Marshall Scholarship Foundation, Austria.

2013-2014 PhD Dissertation Completion Award. Graduate School, UGA.

2013 Internal Grants and Awards $1370. Office of the Vice President for Research, UGA.

2013 Honorable Citizen Award. Dept. of Agricultural & Applied Econ., UGA.

2013 Honorable Mention Award. Poster in the 7th Global Educational Forum, UGA. 2009 Outstanding Master Student. Capital Univ. of Economics and Business, China. 2009 First-class scholarship. Capital Univ. of Economics and Business, China.

2009 Belle Internship scholarship. China.


Modeling Geographical Space, Modeling Geographical Objects (audited at Penn); Kaufman Teaching Certificate Program (MIT)


Since 2013 Reviewer, Journal of Environmental Management, China Agricultural Economic Review, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Journal of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development, African Journal of Agricultural Research


Member of International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE) 

Member of Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA)

Member of European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE), 2014-2017 Member of Southern Agricultural Economics Association (SAEA), 2011-2013 Member of Mu Sigma Rho-the National Honor Society for Statistics, 2013 Member of Agricultural and Applied Economics Honor Society, UGA, 2011-2014